In order to celebrate the World AIDS Day, we have successfully organised a mobile CT campaign. We provided free CT services in two communities. This campaign was collaboration event amongst the Asuogyaman District Assembly, PPAG, Asuogyaman Health Administration and JOCVs.
On the first day, we went to a community named A around 6:00pm. We set up the screen and all of the electricity and P.A. systems. Then a film show was started. The film was in English, however it was the Ewe speaking community and most people seems not to understand English very well. So for the better understanding, a community volunteer and the driver helped to interpreter the film story. And also we emphasized the importance of HIV testing and counselling. More than 100 people came to watch the film. At the end of the show, we announced that we were going to organise free CT programme on the next day.
On the second day, we started the CT programme around 9:00am. Because of the film show on the day before, people were keen to take a test and already started to queue up for the CT at that time. Unfortunately, we only had 90 kits for 2 days, so we had to stop after testing 65 clients, though there were still clients waiting in queue. We had one reactive result on that day.
After finishing the CT programme in Abome, we went to N community to make announcements about the free CT campaign on the next day. A community nurse and HAPE project management committee member helped us to make announcements around the community.
On the third day, we organised free CT service in N Clinic.
The interest of people in the community was slightly lower than the day before, but we finished all the kits that we prepared and ended the programme around noon. We had one reactive result on this day as well.
All of these clients who had reactive result were informed to confirm their result at the hospital. And the nurses will work on to follow up support for them.
Success story:
Good collaboration amongst District Assembly, District Health Administration, PPAG, Communities and JOCVs.
-District Assembly mainly planned this programme and also supported the programme financially.
-District Health Administration provided the kits for free and also provided human resources.
-PPAG also mainly took part of planning and implementing the programme.
-People in the community helped to make announcements and to run the programme smoothly.
-JOCVs applied financial support from JICA and also helped the implementation of the programme.
The nurses who were in charge of HIV testing and counselling were really hard working, and they counselled the clients very kindly.
Challenges and way forward
The tasks on the one nurse looked like too much. They have never been able to take some rest since there were long queue and always busy.
Shortage of the test kits.
Lack of confidentiality.
Counselling procedure could be improved.
Waiting time was sometime too long.
Waiting time can be used for education or health service.
Earlier planning would be better in terms of preparing kits and everything to meet the needs.
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